Sign Up


Why should I sign up for membership?

Membership (only one level at this time) includes access to additional content, such as:


  • At least one monthly live practice, either yoga (asana) and/or meditation
  • At least one monthly recorded practice, either: yoga (asana), meditation, pranayama (breathwork), yoga nidra, chanting, etc.


  • FIRST LOOK at new mini-courses and other content (book club? book reviews? virtual “hang-out” for folks in recovery? We get to decide together!)
  • Growing library of digital resources, such as:
    • journaling prompts,
    • infographics,
    • mini lessons (topics like chakras, koshas, mudra, yoga philosophy, etc.)

FREE TRIAL for 7 days

First, create an account. Next, select “sign up” for the 7 day free trial membership. Finally, log in and enjoy!

Recurring Monthly Membership (cancel at any time)