
I’m a person in recovery, registered yoga teacher, and licensed therapist who believes that there aren’t enough treatment and support options for people seeking to recover from substance use disorders.

Treatment centers like to say that they take an individualized approach. However, most still rely heavily on 12 step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. It’s true that these programs work for some, but they present serious challenges for others. They demand strict adherence to rules–like complete abstinence from substance use. If this isn’t your goal, you may feel like you don’t belong, that you’ll be punished, or even worse, rejected.

For folks struggling with addiction, this rejection and resulting feelings of shame too often send us right back to our old, unhealthy coping strategies. This is the exact opposite of what we need in order to heal!

Yoga philosophy and meditation practice teach invaluable life skills, like how to tolerate staying in the present moment, even when it’s uncomfortable. My goal is to share the practices that helped with my own recovery from addiction.

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